What's Our Mission?

To beautify Little Bangladesh magnificently; and Improve quality of life of the Residents and Stakeholders by availing Knowledge, Information and Resources at their reach.

"Little Bangladesh is a shining example of what can be accomplished when members of a community work together to realize a common goal, a shared vision for improving the community. Your success shows that no dream is too big as you make the “impossible” possible. I especially salute Majib Siddiquee for his leadership in making Little Bangladesh a reality. "

— Dan Mozena, Former United States Ambassador

Little Bangladesh is a four-block area around 3rd Street and Alexandria Avenue in Central Los Angeles, officially designated by the City of Los Angeles in 2010 that became a commercial center for immigrants from Bangladesh.

Many immigrants from Bangladesh to the United States have chosen this particular neighborhood to renew their lives since the early 1970s to the present day. The area includes restaurants, shops and art galleries but also has a residential neighborhood.

With an adaptive green approach, Uncode Corporation transformed one of America’s oldest market into energy. We are a production company with love for sustainability and save energeticas.

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Coming Soon.

" Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he himself has sealed. "

— Carlton Sparks, Executive Officer

The annual Uncode publication showcases 100 of the most innovative solutions from every corner of the globe that are working to create a cleaner, greener future and deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Intelligent Energy Management
Green Bonds for Low-Impact Building
Incentivizing Green Commutes for Employees

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